Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 6 Astral Projection Occurs

Today, I believed I experienced Astral Projection during my meditation session. Astral Projection is also known as OBE (Out of Body Experience). It’s when you are able to leave your physical body and be your spirit. About 10 minutes into my meditation session, I felt I could leave my body. I could see my energy rising up out of my body. I was having some difficulty. The process would be happening, then I would have trouble taking the astral projection further. This forced my spiritual energy to go back into my body. Then about 5 minutes later, I was able to take my spirit energy further away from my body. I was above my house and I was flying over my city. This led me to having visions of hiking in the woods. I was in Mammoth, CA on a hiking trail that’s pretty well known in the area. On the hiking trail, you look for diamonds on the trees to get to a lake. I didn’t get to the lake though. All I remember was the diamonds on the trees. The progress has been amazing so far. Only after 5 days, I’ve experienced Astral Projection. No goal visualization came to me today. That’s okay. I feel that progress has been made. However, I did visit my desired workplace in my Astral Projection experience. 

Total Meditation Time: 170 Minutes

Meditation Benefit: Being more compassionate 

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